The power of our platform rests on its ability to generate unique contract profile templates (Term Sheets) that match your specific business processes, and are tailored to the requirements, and jargon of your industry. The contract profiles hold the most critical data regarding your contracts such as: start and end dates, awards dates and contract value, milestone reminders, relevant stakeholders and much more. This data drives the system’s reporting tools, and sits at the heart of its ability to control risks, generate critical business management intelligence, and improve your bottom line. opensourceCM enables users to create any number of these templates and then edit them with ease

Track dates and events to keep on top of your commitments and obligations. Every document loaded onto the system can have as many alerts associated with it as needed, regardless of whether it is a master agreement contract, or any of an assortment of related supporting documents. All alerts are displayed within the calendar and the contract’s profile. Sync with outside calendar and see any other item on the calendar such as manually entered tasks and events that can have as many alert reminders as needed. Alerted recipients can be selected from a predetermined individual list of company employees or by role. In this way if there is a change in company positions, alerts can still go to the correct person
The opensourceCM search and reporting was designed to cater to a broad scope of users and industries. Advanced customization allows the users to tailor the platform to their own, in-house work processes, as well as, industry specific terminology and standards. As a result, the quality of the search and reports created by the platform is outstanding. Most companies create their own reporting templates, and we help drive this process during the deployment process. However, even a simple term sheet search, or inside the document search can be turned into a powerful report that can be exported into different formats. Reports can also be scheduled to run automatically on a regular basis, they can be saved and sent to a list of predetermined recipients