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Managing Contracts within BOX

If you are using BOX as your document repository, it is easy to understand how contract documents can be easily created using the collaborative features that BOX provides. In the case of contracts, documents that contain legally binding obligations, it is less obvious how an individual contract or a portfolio of contracts can be comprehensively managed. The answer to this question is by using openSource Contract Management, a separate, cloud-based Contract Life-Cycle Management (CLM) solution that automatically maintains copies of all documents within the BOX environment, assuring that BOX remains the location where contracts and all other company documents reside.

Contract documents and the information they contain can be highly sensitive. This usually implies the need to strictly control access to the documents themselves and their associated meta data. Can document access rights be managed within Box? Absolutely. Managing contract meta data is more challenging. Management of contract terms, key dates, reminders and reporting is much more flexibly and comprehensively managed using openSource contract management. For this reason, customers typically choose to use BOX is as the repository for all documents, including contracts, while openSource manages contract documents separately.

Two Options. Two separate BOX synchronization options are supported. This avoids conflicts resulting from file uploads and files hierarchy changes originating in both BOX and openSource environments and conflicting access rights settings.

Push to BOX. This option assumes that all contract documents are directly uploaded into the openSource system, assuring that they are also stored within BOX, making it the comprehensive enterprise repository. Clicking a button within openSource pushes all contract files into the appropriate folder with BOX, replicating the openSource folder hierarchy. This can also occur automatically. Generally access to contracts stored within BOX is read-only, assuring that BOX users can’t change or replace contract documents. This is the preferred option of most customers.

Pull from BOX. This option assumes that all key contract documents will be uploaded into BOX. Clicking a button within openSource pulls all contract files within BOX into the appropriate folder with openSource, replicating the Box folder hierarchy. This can also be done automatically. If documents are uploaded into openSource directly, they may not be present within the BOX environment.

To learn more about the powerful capabilities of openSource contract management, please visit our website at

To learn more about the powerful capabilities of the BOX ECM solution, please visit .

Tags: Knowledge Base, Features

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