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opensourceCM - an application enabling organizations to tap into the value of their contracts port

High (ROI) return on investment, quick time to value

opensourceCM is a SaaS application focused on the process by which organizations tap into the value of their contracts portfolio. The software goes beyond simply creating and managing contracts – it completely transforms how organizations manage risk, enabling them to shorten sales cycles and reduce costs. It is an extremely important cost-effective solution saving companies’ significant amounts of resources once implemented and used correctly.

opensourceCM controls and manages a full lifecycle of a contract from its "birth" through the phase in which a contract is signed, "lives" and eventually expires or renewed.

Moreover, opensourceCM has the ability to import and export data from and to a variety of business applications and tools, thereby eliminating tedious hours of information extraction already found in the organization's database.

High (ROI) return on investment, quick time to value

  • Maximize contract value

  • Avoid penalties and other financial risks

  • Realize contract revenue more quickly

  • Reduce cost of compliance

  • Enable contract managers to oversee more contracts

  • No capital investment, predictable cost

  • Swift customization and deployment; (POC) "proof of concept" takes less than 15 hours

opensourceCM Added Value (Key Benefits)

The added value of opensourceCM is its flexibility to adapt to customer business processes, while embracing contract management best practices. The solution takes CLM customizability, ease of implementation and speed of implementation to an entirely new level and includes a wealth of new functionality.

Too many CLM solutions require customers to accept their “canned” processes and methodologies, require huge upfront investments with long implementation cycles and are difficult to change once implemented. opensourceCM is the antithesis of “canned”, offering a "tabula rasa approach".

When the client has a business process that works opensourceCM will replicate it.

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